24/7 Support number 922 43 54 53

Use of the vehicle

The renter receives the vehicle and accessories described in the contract for rent in perfect operating conditions.The renter promises to keep it and to drive the vehicle according to the regulations of the road traffic regulations. It is expressly prohibited:

  1. a) To use the vehicle for the transport of persons or goods or any other activity that involves either the direct or indirect subleasing of the vehicle.
  2. b) To give permission to unauthorized persons to drive the vehicle.
    c) Driving in the state of physical weakness caused by illness, exhaustion, alcohol or drugs.
    d) Driving on forest roads, on the beach or on unpaved or unapproved roads (except 4×4 vehicles)
    e) To use the car for any kind of sports competition.
    f) To manipulate the odometer. The rental company is to be notified without delay of any damage to the odometer.
    g) That the vehicle leaves the island, with the exception of the written permission from the rental company.
    h) The transport of animals. In this case the renter is responsible for cleaning the vehicle pay for the damages caused by the animal.

In the event of a breach of any of the aforementioned prohibitions, the accident insurance coverage shall be invalid, in case of an accident.

As well as in the event of a breach of one of these points the rental company Autos Ferraz, S.L.U. reserve the right to cancel the contract without prior notice and to take back the car. The guarantee sum or advance payments remain by the car rental company.


The vehicle will be returned to the place, on the date and by the time shown in the rental contract. In case of delay in delivery, the first two extra hours are Free. From the 3rd to the 5th 1/4 of the value of the price per day. As of the 5th hour the price is 1 full day of rental.


The tenant agrees to pay in addition to the charges included in the contract the expenses incurred by:

– Lose or subtraction of the key, accessories, tools, spare rubber, battery and documentation.
– The amount of the fines for infraction of the Circulation code as well as the expenses of cranes for the removal of improperly parked vehicles.
– Damage to the underside of the vehicle, punctures or damage to the covers, burns and stains in the upholstery.
– Fuel misappropriation 


The insurance arranged by the lessor covers the lessee and drivers authorized hereby, civil liability, (damages to third parties) for an amount of up to 50 million euro, health care in unlimited recognized centers (CCS) and in centers of their own choice up to  1800 euro. The responsibility of the renter with respect to the damage caused to the leased vehicle, limited to the corresponding franchise, according to the rate that is in force. The tenant by means of a complementary charge can be exempted from said franchise in the Tourism vehicles.

The loss, theft or damage of the goods transported in the vehicle is expressly excluded from the concerted coverage.


In case of accident, the tenant will be obliged to:
–  Do not move the vehicle from the place of the accident until the competent authority appears and picks up the certificate.
– To report immediately the event to the Rental Company.
– Do not make with the opposite party any agreement on the accident.
– Do not abandon the damaged vehicle without taking the necessary measures to avoid further damage or loss.
– To collect from the opposing party all the data related to the owner driver, vehicle and Insurance Company.


In the delivery of the vehicle it is essential to present the ID-Card or Passport and the driver’s license.


The lessee who drives the vehicle of the  Company under the influence of narcotic drugs, alcoholic beverages or any other form that has altered his mental faculties, will assume full responsibility for the damages and damages suffered by the vehicle, as well as those caused to other vehicles, people, objects, animals and third parties in general.
The driver of the vehicle in the aforementioned abnormal conditions is also responsible for the persons or objects transported and for any sanctions that may arise.
The lessee will not be entitled to the replacement of the rented vehicle if by accident,it is unusable or to reimburse any amount for the aforementioned concept.


Whichever the nationality of the client, he / she declares having read the conditions in the front and back contract and accepted these upon signing. Any differences among the parties in connection to this contract will be sumitted to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the Province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife with resignation if they had it in their own jurisdiction.


It is expressly forbidden for tenants to take out the leased vehicle from the territorial area of ​​the Island where the contract is made unless it has the authorization of the lessor’s company.
In case of breach of the aforementioned prohibition, the contract will be automatically terminated, and the lessee may exercise before the Courts as many actions as may be required by law.


The personal data received will be treated in accordance with the Organic Law 15/99 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data and its development rules. The client may at any time access, rectify and cancel their data, requesting it by email, or by ordinary mail requesting it from the company.



The received personal data will be handled according to the data protection law 15/99 from 13th of December. The renter has access to his data at any time and can change or delete the data by requesting it to the company by e-mail or post.


© 2015 Autos Ferraz Rent a Car